Vocal Somatics Workshop
21 Sep

🗓️ 3rd Saturday of every month
🕖 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
🎟️ $35 per person

Your Voice is the gateway to the expression of your Truth, your Power and your Love.
So much can be revealed in the tone, the quality, and the energetics behind the words that we choose to say.

Your voice tells a story.
It is the roadmap that points us back to the rawness of our humanness, and acts as the bridge to the life force energy that wants to be unleashed inside of us.

In this 1.5 hour workshop, we will explore the voice through our bodies. We will begin with an embodied chakra toning practice that will take us out of our minds and into our energetic and physical systems.

We will then explore our heart songs, and tap into the potential of our voices to transmute and transform stuck places in ourselves and in the collective field we create together.

Light massage and energy work will also be offered throughout to assist in the movement of energy and sound in your system. We will end the night with mantra and soothing songs.

These devotional practices will be transformational, restorative and allow you to tap deeper into your felt sense through the power of your voice.

Meet Jillian Lacasse…

I have trained in yoga, meditation, classical music, Massage Therapy, Energy work, sound ceremony and voice medicine and have spent years in deep contemplation and meditation.

I have chanted for hours with harmonium and guitar in hand every night for over a year as part of my devotion yoga practice and let Kali, Ganesha, Shiva and the Goddess carve and shape me. I have practiced inter-relational Focusing for four years and studied with an energy master to learn how to get in touch with the felt sense and the energetic layers of the body system, along with studying massage to integrate it into the physical system.

I am offering this workshop to bring this field of devotion and embodiment to you with the intention of opening your heart and voice to the possibility of expressing and embodying the Love, Truth and Power that is ready to be unleashed inside of you.

All I ask is that you come with an open and curious mind, a thirsty heart and a willingness to be with the messiness and beauty of your voice and all that your body carries.

“Be thirsty heart, seek forever without a rest. Let this soundless longing hidden deep inside you be the source of every word you say.” ~ Rumi

Event Times:

Event Location:
Spirit Well Sensory Lounge
872 South Colorado Avenue
Stuart, FL  34994

Event poster